Chronic fatigue syndrome: 8 symptoms that should not be ignored


muscle pain, all-in-the-sight, bad dream and even. fatigue.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, which is especially prone to residents of large cities, as well as those who are constantly faced with increased responsibility for the life and well -being of other people and constantly experience increased emotional load, develops gradually. Viral diseases (including banal flu), life in a disadvantaged social and environmental environment, as well as severe or prolonged stress can provoke the development of the disease. The first symptoms are rarely recognized as signs of the disease-they are often written off on fatigue and lack of energy. But over time, the signs are becoming more and it is important not to waste time and seek help to not face more serious effects of the disease. So, if you have noticed these signs, perhaps chronic fatigue syndrome is your case. The inability to perform the usual physical activity, weakness and even muscle tremor is normal after the load obtained. But if you face it for no serious reason, it may be a chronic fatigue.


Headaches that occur under the influence of a certain artificial light, the need to bend to consider objects without eye irritation are symptoms of sensitivity to light or photophobia. One of which may be chronic fatigue syndrome.Even after a small physical activity that you used to cope with you almost imperceptibly, you feel nausea and even vomiting that do not go away for a day and longer, you should consult your doctor. And it is desirable as soon as possible, including because nausea and vomiting can be a symptom of heart attack.People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome often do not get enough night rest, which is why their brain does not have time to “restart” and works in energy saving mode. Because of this, difficulties in concentration, problems with memory, perception and analysis of information. Often, chronic fatigue syndrome occurs as a response of the body to transmitted viral diseases, so it is not surprising that it is often accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.If you cannot remember why you came to the room where important documents were put or what they were going to do or say the next minute, it can also be a manifestation of chronic fatigue syndrome. Contact your doctor!

muscle and joints

Inflammation – one of the body's answers to the infection or the virus that it has to fight. Inflammation of the muscular or joint tissue can be a sign that our body fights the virus that triggered chronic fatigue syndrome. But in any case, you should consult a doctor.

is not a deep sleep

As you know, the most complete rest we get during a deep sleep phase. But people with chronic fatigue syndrome can sleep all night, but not get a full rest, as they will be constantly in the fast sleep phase – and will wake up as tired as the day before when they lay in bed. If this situation is repeated day by day, you should definitely consult your doctor for help and support.

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Author: alex

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