Church restrictions on holidays: what is prohibited and why it is done

There are several traditional rules that apply to holidays. These prohibitions date back to ancient times and are often part of folk wisdom. Today, many of these rules are no longer relevant, but they are important as cultural heritage.

What not to do on church holidays

On church holidays there are a number of prohibitions that are passed down from generation to generation. They often come from ancient times and reflect the folk wisdom and traditions of our people.

Although some of these rules seem outdated in today's world, they carry spiritual meaning and remind us of the importance of preserving the festive atmosphere.

Clergymen emphasize that many of these traditional prohibitions have lost their relevance, because modern technologies allow perform some household tasks quickly and without much effort. But these rules help to understand how important it is to put aside everyday affairs and pay attention to spiritual things during the holidays.

Observing prohibitions on church holidays is a way to show respect for traditions and emphasize the importance of these days, focusing on prayer and spiritual life.


In the past, it was believed that cleaning the house on Sunday or church holidays are not allowed. People believed that this could disturb the festive peace.

Today, priests assure that there is no sin in cleaning the house after the service. However, it is better to tidy up before the start of the holiday, so that you can fully focus on spiritual matters.


Washing was prohibited on holidays. Washing used to be a difficult and time-consuming job that could take all day.

Today, with the advent of washing machines, this process has become easier and faster, so the ban is no longer relevant. But, as with cleaning, it is better to finish washing before the holiday.

Arguments and swearing

It is forbidden to use swear words on holidays, just like on weekdays. Cursing and slander are considered a great sin according to God's commandments. The holiday should be dedicated to good thoughts, words and deeds.

It is worth remembering that every word has weight, and on church holidays it is especially important to avoid negativity.


Earlier, girls were not allowed to do needlework on holidays, because needles and knitting needles were associated with nails with which Christ was nailed. This ban was intended to avoid associations with the pain and suffering of the Savior.

Today, the church considers it a superstition and does not see a sin in needlework after visiting the church and praying.

On which holidays should you give up affairs

On some Christian holidays, it is customary to refrain from certain activities. What you should pay attention to:

Main holidays. The Orthodox calendar includes 12 main holidays, when it is traditionally recommended not to do household chores.

Sunday . Every Sunday is a holiday that should be dedicated to spiritual life. It is recommended to visit the temple and avoid loud entertainment.

Days dedicated to saints. In addition to the main holidays, there are also days dedicated to individual saints. These days may have their own rules and guidelines.

A modern look at bans

Many bans on working on holidays have ancient origins. Today, these rules are not so strict. If you need to do household chores, you can do it by maintaining a balance between practical affairs and spiritual life.

It is important to remember that on church holidays you should focus on prayer, repentance and service to God. These days are intended for spiritual rest and reflection, not for material affairs.

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Author: alex

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