City beaches will be opened in Kyiv: what to expect in summer in recreation areas
In Kyiv in 2024, just like last year, the beach season will not be officially opened. But they are not going to ban bathing. Yes, the city authorities do not plan to introduce any restrictions on visits by Kyiv residents to St.m. “Hydropark”.
Even more, the city hires a staff of lifeguards and will carry out sanitary work traditional for the summer season on beaches and recreation areas. Probably, the fact is that the KMDA wants to take responsibility for the lives and health of the citizens from itself. Actually, this is already a “brand” reaction of the city authorities to loud challenges.
Kyiv24 municipal TV channel Secretary Volodymyr Bondarenko spoke in detail about the plans of the city authorities. He commented on the recent decision of the Permanent Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and the National Assembly of Kyiv City Council not to open the city's beaches, noting that the city “cannot guarantee the safety of Kyivans during beach vacations”.
In fact, no one gave guarantees even before the war. However, the full-scale invasion gave the city government a blanket waiver that allows city officials to avoid accountability. But there is also good news. Despite rumors that in the wake of such objections, Kyiv officials may limit visits to the most popular resort among citizens, Venetian Island, Bondarenko clarified that all metro stations will be open in the summer.
“We live in a paradigm where rumors about the closure of more and more subway stations appear like mushrooms after the rain. I say this officially: none of the metro stations will be restricted, including, in connection with the beach season, and the Hydropark as well,” said the secretary of the city council.
The third piece of news does not depend on the authorities of Kyiv – the ban on the movement of vessels through the Dnipro River will continue in the capital. This is due to several points – both security and the fact that the city needs to ensure the proper work of the military. In particular, in December 2023, the Informant talked about the combat boat of the “Gyurza” project, which protects the capital from the “Shakheds” moving from the north, targeting the Dnieper.
“We have to understand that civil navigation on the Dnieper is limited, and it is not even the city that regulates it, but the military and the state. Even the history of certain recreation parks will be regulated separately, according to agreements, first of all, by the military,” Bondarenko summarized.
Therefore, having assigned the responsibility for the movement of the Dnieper to the military, the capital authorities are trying to remove it also in part of the beaches and city recreation areas. At the same time, continuing to make money from their arrangement (which is worth only Obolonsky Island at a price of almost UAH 200 million, which will be opened in a few days “with the support of Klitschko”) or financial support for its operation.
The beach areas will be cultivated and lifeguards will be hired
Let us remind you that the city authorities in Kyiv will not open the beach season, however, they are going to carry out sanitation of beach areas, as well as service engineering networks. Also, Kyiv continues to hire lifeguards, which is rather strange, considering the decision on the official “non-opening” of beaches.
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