Coffee and green tea reduce the risk of death in heart attack and stroke survivors

Regular consumption of green tea or coffee is useful for reducing the risk of death from secondary diseases in people who have survived a heart attack or stroke – this is the conclusion of researchers from Japan.

Generally, caffeinated beverages are not considered good for people with heart problems. But the results of a study by a group of scientists from Osaka University indicate that patients who have survived a stroke or heart attack can significantly reduce the risk of death associated with secondary attacks by consuming green tea or coffee. 

As part of the study, its authors analyzed information about the health of almost 46,000 people aged 40 to 79. 60% of the subjects were women.

Experts divided the participants into three groups: “suffered a stroke”, “suffered a heart attack”, “neither suffered a heart attack nor a stroke”.

After carefully studying the habits of people regarding the consumption of green tea and coffee, scientists came to the conclusion that these drinks are useful for patients affected by the above-mentioned vascular pathologies. Drinking them increased the chances of people who had a stroke or heart attack to live longer.

“People who survived a stroke were able to reduce the risk of death from various complications by 62% if they drank seven cups of green tea a day Anyone who had experienced a heart attack was able to reduce the risk of death by about 22% by drinking a cup of coffee a day, compared to subjects who did not drink coffee regularly,” said project leader Hiroyasu ISO.

< p>Scientists also found that participants from the third group, who had never had a heart attack or stroke before, could reduce their risk of death by 14% if they drank more than one cup of coffee a week.

For reference. : a cup of green tea, taken into account by researchers, contained about 100 milliliters of liquid, a cup of coffee – 150 milliliters.

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Author: alex

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