Colon cancer: popular foods that can lead to cancer

There are certain products that can help reduce risk. We need to include fiber in our diet, but there are also foods that you may need to reduce or eliminate from your diet.

Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, with most people diagnosed over the age of 60.

The NHS reports:

“Bowel cancer is a general term for cancer which begins in the large intestine. “Depending on where the cancer starts, bowel cancer is sometimes called colon or rectal cancer.”

There are some known risk factors, although having one or more risk factors does not mean you will necessarily get the disease for colon cancer.

Although it is very difficult to investigate the link between diet and cancer, studies have shown that certain foods can definitely affect the risk of colon cancer.

To reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, you should avoid foods high in “refined starches” ”, such as packaged biscuits and crackers.

The NHS says you should also avoid processed foods. Processed meat is any meat that has been processed for preservation, such as bacon, salami, sausages, canned meat or chicken nuggets.

“Based on what we know currently, fiber from whole grains appears to be better at reducing cancer risk than fiber from fruits and vegetables. But it's important to eat both as part of a healthy, balanced diet.”

According to Cancer Research UK, obesity is an associated risk factor. It is estimated that 11 out of 100 cases of bowel cancer (11 percent) are related to being overweight or obese.

“There is strong evidence that people who are more physically active have a lower risk of bowel cancer.” .

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Author: alex

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