Common daily habits that destroy the body and health

If you sit for a long time sitting on a chair or living very closed, this can have a devastating effect on the body and health.

Long-term sitting on a chair.Many doctors note that the problem of inactivity has increased many times during the pandemic – isolation and remote work contributed to this process. A doctor from the United States, a urological surgeon, Adam Ramin, warned in an interview that a sedentary lifestyle, which has become even more widespread, can turn into a real disaster for the health of people on the scale of entire nations.

“Sedentary spending time can contribute to obesity, which seriously affects the health of the heart and spine. In addition, sitting on a chair for too long harms the urological organs,” says the doctor of medical sciences.

The doctor clarified that men may develop prostatitis and fertility problems as a result of the habit of spending many hours a day sitting.< /p>

Look at gadget screens.Another American scientist, professor of orthopedic surgery Neil Anand warns: this widespread daily habit destroys posture. When a person looks at a monitor for a long time, his shoulders tense up, his neck is fixed in the wrong position, and his spine is twisted. The consequence of constantly being in this position is excessive pressure and load on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. As a result, there are pains in the back, from dull to sharp and sharp or debilitating.

Medication.A study by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) showed that people who independently, without consulting a doctor, take over-the-counter drugs for pain relief, often mix them with other drugs and do not burden themselves with carefully reading the instructions for the drugs. Also, they cannot recognize the signs of drug overdose. Such a habit of self-medication is destructive for the body, experts emphasize. It can adversely affect the condition of the liver, heart, kidneys, and pancreas.

Social isolation. Doctor of Medicine Natasha Trentacosta (USA) reminds that people are social beings by nature, and the lack of positive social contacts (with loved ones, friends) on a regular basis destroys the psyche, forms a distorted view of life around. Solitude and lack of communication increases the level of cortisol (stress hormone), increases feelings of anxiety, tension, depression, hopelessness. The expert advises to always find time for communication, regularly call friends and relatives.

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Author: alex

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