Common foods for hypertension will pave the way to longevity

Many people often wonder about , what you need to do to become a long-lived person. It became known which products can strengthen the whole body and prolong life.

A number of experts advise giving preference to vegetable food, while reducing the consumption of meat products. Experts claim that in this way it will be possible to protect against inflammations, which are the cause of dangerous and deadly diseases. Chops, sausages, hamburgers, bacon and kebabs stand out among them.

Experts say that such food can lead to the formation of “bad” – LDL – cholesterol. It, in turn, clogs the arteries, limiting blood flow to the vital organs of the body. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart attack or stroke – two deadly conditions.

“Many plant foods are good sources of antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body,” doctors emphasize. Free radicals lead to cell damage, increase the risk of inflammation and contribute to the development of a number of diseases.

These include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. “A diet rich in antioxidants can also help reduce the risk of some types of cancer,” some experts add.

Experts emphasize that it is only about giving up harmful meat. According to them, it has been proven that red and processed meat leads to a shorter life.

It is possible to replenish the supply of protein by following a plant-based diet. For this, doctors advise to include eggs, milk, cheese, soy products, legumes, nuts and seeds in the diet.

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Author: alex

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