Common habits that affect hormones
is believed that any little thing can be affected by mood. In fact, there should be no such interruptions. Changes in psycho -emotional background are closely related to hormones that can be affected by various habits, and quite common. Which ones? Talk further.
social networks
now people often hang on social networks, which has become a habit. Very often there are emotional bursts, sometimes very negative. The fact is that there is an increase in the level of the hormone of cortisol, which is otherwise called the “stress hormone”. Refusal to social networks in five days can normalize emotional state.Antibacterial agents are often used by people as personal hygiene. But this seemingly useful habit can be harmful. Such funds often contain triclosan, that is, an antibiotic and a broad -spectrum antifungal agent. The effect of this substance extends to the suppression of the reproduction of many pathogens. But there is also a negative effect: animal experiments have shown that triquosan can inhibit the reproductive system, reducing the quality of the sphere and provoking hormonal disorders.We are trying to earn more and make life better often work and nights. Constant tension can adversely affect health – this is a fact. The thing is that the work at night violates the circadian rhythm and the sleep mode. The regulator of the circadian rhythm is hormones, in particular, melatonin. The one who prolongs the waking cycle is waiting for problems – insomnia, headaches, loss of appetite, fatigue. In the long run, there is a violation of the hormonal background. The drink affects the level of cortisol. The concentration of the hormone reaches its peak in the morning and in the evening – from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 17:30 to 6:30 pm. At this time, it is better to give up coffee. It is possible to get an extra portion of stress. A favorite hobby can have a beneficial effect on the stress hormone level. Hobbies will help to release steam, to come in yourself, to improve your own well -being.
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