Common onions have been named by scientists as a powerful means of achieving longevity

Using ordinary onions helps to achieve longevity, scientists believe.

About the fact that ordinary onions have been named by scientists as a powerful tool for achieving longevity. According to its experts, onions are incredibly rich in phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins, quercetin, sulfides, and thiosulfinates, which increase the body's defenses against the development of dangerous, life-shortening diseases.

Thiosulfinates, being sulfur compounds, help inhibit growth harmful microorganisms, prevent the formation of blood clots. Anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants, resist chronic inflammation. Compounds of sulfides and polysulfides not only give onions a characteristic smell, but also have anticancer properties. Quercetin, which is an antioxidant flavonoid, improves the functioning of the heart.

Scientists have named a number of health effects associated with the use of onions and contribute to longevity:

  • normalization of blood pressure,
  • reducing high blood triglycerides,
  • reducing high blood sugar,
  • protecting cells from oxidative damage,
  • suppressing growth pathogens in the body,
  • preventing osteoporosis,
  • reducing the likelihood of cancer.

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Author: alex

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