Common signs that give an energy vampire

so arranged life in society that people interact with each other, involuntarily exchange energy. Someone spends more, someone less. This is a natural phenomenon.

But there are people who accidentally or deliberately suck someone else's energy. They, in fact, live only at the expense of another person's vital forces. After communicating with an energy vampire, there is often devastation, fatigue, and sometimes depression. In order not to be a victim of such an individual, you need to be able to recognize him. Swiglia and eternal martyr

2. The controller or instigator of the quarrel

3. Manipulator by people


You can determine the skirt even by appearance. He has the corners of the lips sorrowful and eternal need for sympathy in the look. He loves to complain about everyone and everything: his bosses, relatives, state, health, weather, lack of money and more. Intuitive Skigliy finds a listener who cannot say no. And he begins to regularly pave it with his complaints. He likes to cause pity and compassion to others, depicting an unjust offended martyr. He is able to create a sense of guilt in another person in front of him. Usually, Swiglia is not capable of listening to stories about other people's problems, often interrupts the interlocutor, switching attention to himself.

When communicating with the skirt, it is necessary to outline personal boundaries once and for all, so as not to give it to influence his state of mind. Listening to complaints, try not to feel emotional involvement, thus reflecting the whole negative. Subsequently, it is better to nullify communication. The controller sneaks without outbreaks of quarrels, scandals and fights. To attract attention, they specifically provoke a negative. Waiting when the opponent responds to his provocation and begins to be nervous, Energy Adempyr gets pleasure.

A striking example of this type is home -made tyrants. From year to year, they will order members of their own family, causing them moral and physical suffering. They cannot be corrected. The only way to save them to break with them any connection. These are people who are not used to solving their own problems. It is better for them to solve all their difficulties with friends or relatives. Manipulation of the closest environment for them is a habitual business. In addition, the manipulator often lies behind the eyes and adjusts people against each other.

energy vampires complicate and spoil the lives of others. Yet, there are great ways to avoid contact with energy intake:

1. Constant self -improvement and spiritual development.

2. Self -confidence.

3. Self -control and ability to speak “no”.

4. Respect for his spiritual happiness.

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Author: alex

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