Condensed milk can be good for health

According to a nutritionist, it is useful to consumption of a very moderate dose of high-quality milk, condensed milk.

In an interview, the doctor expressed the opinion that natural milk, which thickens milk, can be good for health.

“In the composition of high-quality condensed milk, which is made according to GOST, only four ingredients are allowed: cow's milk, granulated sugar, milk sugar and water. Such condensed milk can bring certain benefits to the body, if it is available in small quantities,” said the doctor.

The nutritionist clarified that the consumption of condensed milk is associated with a positive effect in cases of severe exhaustion, weakness body, loss of strength under stress. The product helps to quickly regain strength, restore tone. But you also need to perceive condensed milk as “medicine” in such circumstances, and eat only one or at most two spoons to restore your strength. amount of condensed milk, than to start eating products containing substitutes, dyes or preservatives.

“Quality condensed milk has much less trans fats and other harmful substances,” the expert noted.

The expert advised to use condensed milk after dinner, so that the release of glucose into the blood was not sharp. However, she emphasized, you should not eat the product every day – addiction may occur. Diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic disorders are contraindications for the use of condensed milk.

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Author: alex

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