Confectioners told which vegetables can be used to make delicious candies
Interesting and original recipe. Candy from carrots is not often seen, because not everyone guesses that you can make sweets from root vegetables. This recipe will appeal to everyone who is a supporter of proper nutrition. After all, this is a tasty experiment.
The following products are required for preparation:
- carrots – 100 g;< /li>
- Jerusalem artichoke syrup – 40 g;
- coconut paste – 60 g;
- oat flour – 30 g;
- coconut shavings.
How to cook
Carrots must be cleaned and grate on a grater. It will need to be crushed in a blender. Then mix with syrup, coconut paste. An almost homogeneous mass should be obtained. Now you need to add oatmeal to it. Mix everything together thoroughly.
Check the consistency. If it is too liquid to form balls, it can be thickened by putting it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes to stabilize. Then mold them into candies and roll them in coconut shavings. Put them back in the fridge. After cooling, the candies will become denser and tastier. Delicious!
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