Constant fatigue and apathy: 5 non-obvious things that drain energy

Feeling lemon-squeezed is normal when you've gotten a ton of work done for the day. However, if the feeling of fatigue comes immediately after sleep or in the evening after a calm and not busy day, there is a reason to think. Perhaps the reasons lie in the wrong regime, surrounding things or lack of necessary elements in the body. By getting rid of at least some of them, your emotional and physical condition will noticeably improve.


Mental exhaustion can be associated with clutter in the home, especially at the desk. This mess has a cumulative effect, which negatively affects the emotional state of a person. Psychotherapists note: the more objects are constantly in the field of vision, the more difficult it is for the brain to focus and filter incoming information. As a result, the brain is overstressed, fatigue appears.

Sleep excess

Each of us has probably noticed that the more you sleep, the more broken you feel. By reducing the hours of sleep, you can fight lethargy and apathy. According to Harvard Health publications, it's not the quantity, but the quality of sleep that matters. Therefore, it is better to sleep 7-9 hours a day, at night, isolating yourself from stimuli that will prevent the body from resting.

Irregular nutrition

Neglecting the diet, strength is lost. Skipping breakfast or lunch deprives the body of necessary calories, that is, energy. And it often happens that, returning home after a difficult day, you want to eat to your heart's content. A heavy dinner at night negatively affects the health of the gastrointestinal tract and quality sleep. At the same time, a constant and significant lack of calories leads to the deterioration of health in general.

Skip training

Regardless of what type of sport or exercise is practiced advantage, classes must be regular. Research by scientists confirms that a 20-minute physical activity in the morning provides strength and productivity for the whole day. And those who are constantly in the office near the computer should regularly cheer themselves up with gymnastics or walks at lunchtime.

Iron deficiency

According to experts According to the Mayo Clinic, iron deficiency can cause lethargy, irritability, weakness, and inability to concentrate. To replenish the supply of iron, it is not necessary to buy pharmaceutical drugs. You should add more dark leafy greens, eggs, beans, tofu, lean beef and nuts to your diet.

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Author: alex

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