Constant fatigue in the body is caused by a lack of iron.
The cardiologist said that one of the main causes of chronic fatigue, in addition to some hidden diseases, is iron deficiency. It is it that leads to regular loss of strength.
The so-called loss of strength, which has begun to appear in you more and more often along with increased fatigue, can be caused by various reasons, from some not too serious to life-threatening ones such as hidden tumors. But if we rank all these reasons by prevalence, then in the first place, without a doubt, will be iron deficiency.
In addition, increased fatigue can be provoked by purely external reasons, such as a decrease in the duration of daylight. Sometimes a person may suffer from the so-called hidden depression, which he himself does not feel, and it will also cause a decline in strength.
With sleep disorders, fatigue is a frequent companion. It is also associated with problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In any case, if fatigue begins to appear too often, it is better to visit a doctor and understand its causes than to wait for it to disappear on its own.
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