Constantly craving sweets? Check if you are getting enough minerals

You have problems with sleep or painful muscle spasms? Do you worry about keeping your bones strong or do you often catch colds? The condition of the facial skin leaves much to be desired, but the acne does not go away? Can't go a day without sweets? If you have discovered at least one problem from the above, then you have a clear lack of minerals. Yes, the body needs not only vitamins, but also minerals: magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Why magnesium is needed

This mineral helps muscles relax, preventing leg cramps and muscle spasms. A sufficient amount of magnesium contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, and also has a positive effect on sleep, making it deeper and more restful. Calcium absorption and bone strengthening are other important functions of magnesium. Moreover, if you often crave chocolate, this is also a sure sign of mineral deficiency. Magnesium has beneficial effects on memory and improves mood, which is why it is sometimes called a “miracle supplement”.

Why calcium is needed

Many of us are used to hearing from childhood that calcium is good for strengthening bones, and this is actually true. In addition, calcium improves sleep and also protects against colon cancer. Sleep problems can be resolved with calcium supplements and then you can sleep through the night again. This mineral plays an important role in deep sleep cycles, and the brain uses it to create melatonin. It is recommended to take calcium at night together with magnesium – this way the minerals will be absorbed better.

Why is zinc needed

Do you want something sweet after a meal? Skin condition does not cause positive emotions? Do you get sick very often? A positive answer to even one question reliably indicates a lack of zinc. This mineral increases immunity, helps in the fight against both viral and bacterial infections, and also keeps the skin in good condition and accelerates the healing of wounds. The health of the thyroid gland also largely depends on the indicators of this mineral. Our body does not have the ability to accumulate zinc, so it is necessary to take care of its continuous supply.

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Author: alex

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