Cooks reveal the secrets of perfect and plump cheesecakes
Truthfully, it is not the first time that delicious cheesecakes come out . Sometimes they fall apart, burn, do not keep their shape, the taste is not tender enough. First of all, you need to have quality cheese. 80% of success depends on it. It should be white, moderately moist and slightly sour. If you are ready to start cooking, then read on about the secrets of perfect cheesecakes.
Fluffy texture
First of all, you need to add fluffiness and lightness to the cheese mass. To do this, rub the cheese through a sieve. Do not be lazy, because the result will please you. Cheesecakes will hold their shape better and will turn out really puffy, not flat fritters.
Mix of several types of flour
Some housewives traditionally and habitually use only wheat flour. It is dense in consistency. Try adding lightness by mixing it with rice flour. Cheesecakes will be more delicate in taste, less caloric and will have a good crust when fried.
Temperature mode
This is a very important point. Cheesecakes are cooked over low heat with the lid on. This helps them rise and become fluffy.
Eggs are too many
You need to remember a simple proportion. 1-2 eggs are taken for 0.5 kg of cheese. You have to look at the size. If you give more, the dough will become too wet, cheesecakes will not be molded from it. Control the consistency.
Cheesecakes are loved by both adults and children. They are served as a dessert at any time of the day. They can be eaten for breakfast or for afternoon tea with tea – a universal dish. Raisins, blueberries, nuts, and vanilla are added to cheesecakes for variety of taste. Served with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Delicious!
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