Countdown: 8 scientifically proven tricks that can slow down aging
Age is just numbers in our passport!
Unfortunately, it is still impossible to turn back time and return to your eighteen years. But science says: We can all slow down aging. Studies confirm: people of the same year of birth can have different biological ages – and sometimes they differ by dozens of years. Here are some simple rules that will help you truly stop time and stay young, cheerful and very energetic.
Do sports
Physical activity is not only about health, but also about youth. One study confirmed that in older people who regularly play sports, muscle mass, cholesterol levels and even immune system functions were at the level of young people. Aerobic exercise is especially useful, as it helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and also improves heart health. In addition, physical exercise helps fight depression, anxiety and even improves cognitive abilities.
Eat more vegetables
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the “magic” foods that help maintain youth. Fiber, which is abundant in plant foods, is necessary for the healthy functioning of all body systems, including the brain. But you shouldn't completely switch to a vegetarian diet: dairy products, eggs, lean meat, and fish are very important for our health. Especially over the age of 50, when the body rapidly loses calcium.
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