Cucumbers worth planting this year: gardeners' choice for 2024

It is important not just to keep a favorite and fruitful variety of vegetables in your personal circle. It is worth working for the future and looking for equally high-quality varieties and hybrids. Which cucumber seeds should you pay attention to before starting the sowing campaign of 2024.

First, if we are talking about a greenhouse, it is best to choose hybrids. Secondly, a watering and feeding schedule is important for any varieties and hybrids.


This is a hybrid, early ripening, abundantly fruitful, cucumbers grow up to 12 cm, uniform shape. The harvest is crisp, juicy and fragrant.

The most important thing is that the culture is resistant to diseases.

Son of the regiment

Also a hybrid, but also unpretentious. It grows in a greenhouse and in open ground. Fruits grow up to 15 cm long. Crisp, juicy, without bitterness.

Little boy

Hybrid, early ripening, very fruitful: one bush produces up to 20 fruits. Cucumbers grow 5-7 cm long. Very juicy, crunchy and sweet.


Hybrid that gives an abundant harvest. Cucumbers grow 10-12 cm long, they have few seeds, excellent taste. The plant is resistant to diseases.


Hybrid. Stable yield type. The more often you collect the fruits, the higher the yield. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, 12-15 cm long.

There is a drawback: you cannot overwinter cucumbers on bushes.


Quick-ripening hybrid , compact, bears fruit in 2 months. Cucumbers are 10-12 cm long. Excellent taste, without bitterness, bears fruit until autumn.


Hybrid for greenhouses Gives fruits up to 15-18 cm long. Vegetables without voids, with a thin skin, bears fruit stably throughout the season and is resistant to major diseases. Cucumbers do not turn yellow and do not become bitter.

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Author: alex

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