Culinary truths: when and how to properly salt cutlets

Delicious cutlets for dinner – one from the most favorite dishes of adults and children. Experienced housewives have been honing their skills in their preparation for years. However, there is one small detail that can nullify all efforts. And we are talking about untimely salting of minced meat.

How does salt affect meatballs

Everything is as simple as possible at the level of chemistry. Salt is sodium chloride. It affects not only the taste, but also the structure of the products from which you cook. If you salt the minced meat at the very beginning of cooking, the meatballs will get a tough consistency. This is because sodium chloride changes the structure of the protein. It simply sticks together.

How to properly salt minced meat

Culinary rule – cutlets should be salted only before putting them on a frying pan. That is, it should be done at the last moment.

Such a simple secret to making delicious cutlets, but not everyone uses it. If you've made this mistake before, try to fix it. Your cutlets will be perfect and tastiest.

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Author: alex

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