Daily habits that are truly dangerous to health
warming food in the microwave. This can lead to the food of phthalates whose consumption is threatened with hormonal failure. This increases the risks of arthrosis, thrombosis, blood stagnation in the pelvis, varicose veins. Constant noise provokes the production of a number of substances, adversely affect the nervous system, including the brain. Problems arise in those who are used to listening to music at a volume of more than 100 dB. In this case, part of the cells of the basillary membrane is dying, the person begins to hear worse.
brush his teeth immediately after eating. According to American dentists, in this case, the food contains in the food penetrates in deeper layers of dental structure, which dramatically increases the risk of caries. Experts recommend waiting for 30 to 60 minutes.
The habit of opening windows in the daytime can serve poor service in modern conditions, as the house penetrate particles of car exhaust. In order to harm your psyche, it is enough to arrange a sleepless night only a couple of times. Irritability, apathy, depression, and diseases are inevitable.
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