Dangerous breakfast mistakes that many people make are revealed

Some are sure that breakfast is the main meal of the day. Some, on the contrary, prefer to skip it. However, representatives of both camps often make mistakes that can harm health.

Water before meals

The day can really not start in the best way if you don't drink it a glass of plain water before breakfast, experts are sure. One study found that over 12 weeks, participants who drank water before meals ended up losing weight. In addition, they felt more “full” and ate less. Water also helps speed up metabolism.

A large amount of fruit juice

Many people prefer fruit juice for breakfast. However, fruits are sweet on their own, and even more sugar is added to drinks made from them. This can have a negative impact on health.

The wrong yogurt

Yogurt is a seemingly healthy food. And so long as a person buys the right kind of product, experts say. Yogurts with fruit on the bottom or other additives are nothing but a disaster. They are literally full of sugar, and starting your day with so much sweet is not recommended. Experts recommend choosing plain Greek yogurt or a low-sugar, high-protein option.

Yolkless Chicken Eggs

Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D, and one study found a link between vitamin D deficiency and excess belly fat in overweight people. In addition, egg yolks contain choline, a nutrient that helps regulate metabolism, nerve function, and affects brain function.

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Author: alex

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