Dangerous combination: which cleaning products should not be mixed
Some manipulations with simple household chemicals and detergents can lead to unexpected results. Many of them are better not to do, said Carolyn Forte, head of the cleaning laboratory at the Good Housekeeping Institute.
Before setting up a chemistry laboratory in the sink, you need to remember two rules.
Before using, carefully read the composition of the product, paying special attention to the warnings.
The following cleaning products should not be mixed with each other:
Bleach and ammonia
A mixture of bleach and ammonia leads to the formation of chloramine. This is a toxic gas. Some window cleaners already contain ammonia, so they should not be mixed with bleach, the expert notes.
Bleach and vinegar
A dangerous combination of vinegar and bleach leads to the formation of chlorine gas. Even in small concentrations, it can cause eye irritation, coughing, and difficulty breathing.
Bleach and alcohol
And this dangerous combination can be toxic. In the easiest case, it can cause skin irritation.
Two pipe cleaners
Each such product has an arbitrary powerful formula, and their combination can lead to unpredictable consequences, even an explosion, warned Forte. It is better to use one product, following the instructions.
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