Dangerous consequences of a long afternoon nap have been named
A long daytime nap increases the risk of diseases and shortens life expectancy. Neurobiologist and sleep expert Chelsea Rorscheib warned about the negative consequences of the habit of sleeping during the day.
Rorscheib called an afternoon nap lasting more than 30 minutes a possible sign of dangerous diseases. She explained that a healthy person gets enough sleep at night and does not need to rest during the day. “People who need a long sleep are usually quite tired and lethargic during the day and, therefore, are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle,” said the neuroscientist.
Rorscheib added that daytime sleep disrupts natural rhythms, which can provoke prolonged falling asleep and insomnia, as well as health problems and a shortened life expectancy. In particular, according to her, this leads to an increase in the incidence of diabetes, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and hormonal problems.
At the same time, the neuroscientist noted that a short daytime nap of 10-20 minutes can help to concentrate better or relieve tension, but this method should not be used by people with chronic sleep disorders.
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