Dangerous for health: never store potatoes next to a popular fruit

Potatoes are one of the favorite vegetables of Ukrainians. However, when it comes to storing it, some people make a big mistake, which leads to rapid spoilage.

Potatoes spoil faster if you place them next to certain foods. In particular, next to apples. According to experts, apples emit a high level of ethylene gas, which leads to premature spoilage of potatoes.

“Ripper fruits and vegetables emit more ethylene. If there are certain foods near them, the gas will affect their ripening, experts say.

Store potatoes in a cool, dark, ventilated place, such as a cupboard, pantry or cellar, if you have one . When potatoes spoil, they may turn green or have an unpleasant smell.

This indicates the presence of the toxin solanine. Potatoes may also sprout eyes or develop wrinkles on the skin. These are all signs of aging. It is better to get rid of such potatoes.

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Author: alex

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