Dangerous ingredients in household chemicals to avoid
Why it is important to read labels, we will tell you in this material.
In the fight for cleanliness, chlorine is one of the best assistants: it easily copes with pollution of various degrees and perfectly disinfects. However, experts recommend abandoning it in favor of less effective but safer substances. Chlorine is an aggressive substance that can cause allergic reactions and provoke inflammation. Even if you always use gloves, chlorine vapors enter the respiratory tract and mucous membranes and cause burns and irritation. In addition, chlorine can accumulate in the body and with frequent use can cause serious diseases.
Surfactant molecules (surfactants) are able to bind to water and fat molecules, capturing and effectively removing the latter. That is why they can often be found in washing powders and detergents. Surfactants are able to change the efficiency of redox reactions in the body, affect the activity of a number of important enzymes, disrupt protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. They can cause disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, liver and kidneys, as well as cause acute allergic reactions. In some European countries, the use of surfactants in the production of detergents is even prohibited by law.
Phosphates are often added to household chemicals because of their ability to enhance the effectiveness of surfactants. But at the same time, they increase their ability to penetrate the body. However, even in the absence of surface-active substances in the composition, phosphates are capable of harming the body on their own. They excessively dehydrate and degrease the skin, destroy cell walls and the natural protective barrier of the epidermis. In addition, phosphates are harmful to the environment: entering natural reservoirs through sewage, they cause excessive growth of blue-green algae, the activity of which is harmful both to aquatic inhabitants and to the quality of drinking water in general.
Limonene< /h2>
This ether has a pronounced citrus smell and is often included in the composition of fragrances for detergents and air fresheners. Research conducted in 2016 by the University of York revealed the ability of limonene to mutate into formaldehyde when exposed to air. Formaldehyde is classified as a potentially carcinogenic substance that can cause serious damage to all body systems. The most harmless consequences of contact with formaldehyde can be irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and a sore throat. But it's better not to risk it.
A lot has been said about the harm of parabens in cosmetics (that's why almost every tube now has the proud inscription paraben free), but few people pay attention to their presence in household chemicals, which can be no less dangerous for the body. Parabens are used as preservatives, they prevent the development of bacteria in the products, thereby extending their shelf life. The greatest danger of parabens lies in their ability to influence the hormonal background, and in the long run provoke diseases of the endocrine system. Among the less serious side effects are irritation, allergy and acceleration of aging processes.
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