Daytime sleep: An expert gives advice on how to sleep during the day with health benefits

Daytime sleep can be beneficial for health, provided that you sleep exactly as long as necessary, the expert states.

Daytime sleep can support the body, improve work capacity, speed up recovery from illness – it helps the body restore the energy it needs to fight viruses or bacteria. Kiera Pritchard, a specialist in sleep hygiene, said this in an interview. In addition to the fact that you will feel rested, daytime sleep provides many mental and physical benefits, says the doctor.

At the same time, the expert emphasizes: you need to sleep during the day wisely, otherwise it will not benefit your health.


“Daytime sleep can even be harmful if a person sleeps too long or at the wrong time of day.”

Kira Pritchard has some tips on how to sleep during the day with health benefits.< /p>

10 minutes or 90 minutes. The expert claims that the duration of daytime sleep should be 10 minutes or 90 minutes.

“A normal sleep cycle lasts on average 90 minutes, and it begins with lighter stages before entering a phase of deep, rapid eye movement sleep. If you fall asleep for 30 or 60 minutes, you will wake up during the phase of deep sleep, and you will feel lethargic and sleepy for a long time,” the specialist explains.

When to sleep? According to Kira Pritchard, the best time of day for daytime sleep is between six and eight hours after waking – for most people this is usually between 1 and 3 pm. Sleeping at a later time can make it difficult to fall asleep at night, worsen the quality of night sleep, and contribute to the failure of natural biorhythms.

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Author: alex

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