Daytime sleep: how to sleep so that you gain energy

There are daytime fans in the world sleep – 20 minutes at lunch helps them cheer up, become more efficient, and improve brain activity. At least that's what they think. Is daytime sleep really that useful? How to relax in the afternoon after lunch? Or how to deal with the magical charm of sleep, nausea after eating?

Benefits of daytime sleep

The benefits of daytime sleep are discussed with enviable regularity. It is not a substitute for a full night's rest, but it can also be necessary for restoring strength and normal functioning of the body. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase work capacity, improve the work of the hormonal system, and reduce emotional and informational overload.

One study by Japanese scientists showed that those who slept for 15 minutes after dinner were more attentive than those who avoided daytime naps. And it is also known that sleeping during the day is useful for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

One of the ardent supporters of sleeping during the day was Winston Churchill. He said that for this you just need to undress and go to bed.

“Don't think that you will have less time if you sleep during the day. Only people without imagination think so. You will be able to do more. You will get two days in one – or at least one and a half,” said the British politician.

How much sleep should you have during the day

The duration of daytime sleep plays a big role in the effect it has. Alfred Lee Loomis described the stages in the first third of the last century:

  • Stages 1 and 2-light sleep;
  • Stage 3-deep;
  • REM – sleep-fast phase.

Remember that the duration of daytime sleep should not be more than 20 minutes, until the third stage. Otherwise, you may experience headaches, drowsiness, and fatigue. A short nap after dinner is sometimes more effective than sleeping 20 minutes longer at night.

How to get rid of daytime sleepiness

Daytime sleepiness is a common phenomenon. You can get rid of it in simple ways. For example, the most famous way is caffeine-drinks with its content will help you cheer up and not fall asleep in the middle of the working day.

Bright daylight also has an effective effect, it awakens the action of a special hormone responsible for awakening. Lunch should be light so that the feeling of heaviness does not weigh on you. The heavier the lunch, the more a person wants to sleep. Therefore, there is no need to overeat.

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Author: alex

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