Daytime sleepiness may require medical attention
Daytime sleepiness can be a marker of dangerous pathologies, but only a doctor should find out its true cause.
The neurologist said that daytime sleepiness in autumn and winter is a natural phenomenon: practically everyone at this time of the year feels its increase and decrease in work capacity, problems with concentration.
“In autumn, the duration of the daylight hours decreases, so less activating substances are produced in the nervous system. This leads to drowsiness,” explained the doctor.
In some cases, loss of tone and drowsiness are felt with great force. According to the expert, this most often occurs due to a poor or short night's sleep, improper nutrition in the evening, deficiency of certain nutrients, insufficient drinking of water, or hypoxia caused by the lack of fresh air in the room.
But in some cases, sleepiness to talk about more serious problems – for example, it can occur due to diseases of the brain, liver, thyroid gland. Therefore, if you feel sleepy in the absence of visible factors, you need to get checked.
“If daytime sleepiness persists for more than three weeks, you should visit a general practitioner,” the doctor advised.
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