Dead buttocks syndrome: the real danger of sedentary work

Many of us work in the office – home or stationary, where they go every morning. And someone drives a lot or uses public transport. But regardless of where exactly we work and how we get to work, we often sit during these actions. But why is it dangerous?

We sit for a long time and get up only to go to the toilet, have a snack or, for example, for coffee. Reminders from doctors that a sedentary lifestyle is not very good for health, we usually ignore, because we have heard it a hundred times. But what about a real problem that often develops in those who sit for long periods of time?

What could it be, you ask? Heart problems? Gaining weight? Increased risk of developing diabetes? All these risks really exist, and prolonged sedentary work increases the chances of developing certain diseases.

But there is another violation that many do not know about. We're talking about dead buttock syndrome, also called dead pelvis syndrome and, oh my, buttock amnesia. We tell you all about the common problem of office workers and how to avoid it.

Gluteal amnesia? It seems like a jokey name that has nothing to do with real medicine. But in fact, doctors face such a problem quite regularly.

Dead buttock syndrome develops when the gluteus medius muscle – one of the three main muscles in the buttock – stops contracting as it should. Due to prolonged sitting, the muscle is overstretched and by the end of the day it simply “forgets” how to shrink back to its former size. This happens if long-term sedentary work is not episodic, but regular. It affects the length and work of the thigh muscles, which, on the contrary, become shorter.

Due to the fact that some muscles are in a shortened state, and others are in a tense state, they cannot perform their functions properly. The consequences in this case can be different and sometimes it is not easy to determine the cause of the appearance.

For example, due to the dead buttocks syndrome, problems with balance may arise, back pain may appear – and not only in the lumbar region, pain in hips, knees and even ankles. Patients blame everything for this discomfort, but not their constant office work.

However, gluteal amnesia can appear not only in those who sit all the time: the symptoms of the disorder are faced by people who cannot be called sedentary: they are dancers, ballet dancers, marathon runners. Their leg muscles can be very pumped up, and this “rockiness” also interferes with maintaining a balance between tension and relaxation. Dead pelvis syndrome is also a consequence.

What to do to avoid the dead pelvis syndrome?

It is possible that you are already in the group of victims and the gluteal amnesia has not passed you by. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor – a surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist, who will conduct a series of tests and draw conclusions about whether your gluteal and thigh muscles are in order. problems with walking and maintaining balance that were not there before, pain in the back and legs for no apparent reason.

But are there any ways to prevent gluteal amnesia or those who work for a computer computer, will encounter the disease sooner or later? We hasten to please: there is a solution, and it is entirely within your power to prevent dead buttocks syndrome.

  • Take regular breaks at work and get up from your chair, not only for the sake of the toilet, but in order for the gluteal muscle to contract properly: walk, stretch, you can squat. It is better to do it every hour – set a timer if you are afraid to forget.
  • While you are sitting, you can alternately shorten the right and left buttock. No one will notice this, but the benefit is obvious.
  • If you still have to sit, then try to introduce some variety into this process: change your posture, work standing, if possible, sit on the fitball.
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What to do if you have gluteal amnesia?

And if you suspect that you already have problems with the gluteal muscles, try to cope on your own. Here are three key points that need to be implemented urgently in your life.

  • Move for 5 minutes every hour. Activity can be different, the main thing is not to sit! You can walk or pace at home, jump up, squat. The latter is probably not very convenient to do if you work in an office, but we are sure that you will choose an activity that will be appropriate.
  • Sit correctly. Your well-being also depends on how you sit at the computer or just at the table. The knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the hips should also form an angle of 90 degrees with the body, and the height of the table should be selected in such a way that you do not have to rise.
  • Do stretching. Stretch, turn, bend over – you will feel a pleasant feeling when the muscles are stretched. Do the exercises at least once a day, spending at least a minute on them.

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Author: alex

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