Defeating Sweating – Expert Advice

With the onset of warm days, we begin to wear more open clothes and enjoy the good weather. But for some, the warm season becomes a problem – because they are ashamed of their increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).

Additional water procedures or deodorant do not help everyone, and wet spots in the armpit area continue to grow. Let's figure out what to do if you sweat a lot.

Sweat helps us regulate our temperature. The human body produces from 500 milliliters to 8 liters of sweat per day. Hyperhidrosis is not only a pathology, but also a psychological problem. About 20% of patients fall into depression and internal isolation, as the smell of sweat affects their business reputation and personal life.

There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. In addition to water and a small amount of electrolyte salts, apocrine sweat contains products of protein metabolism, volatile fatty acids, and other compounds. However, the smell of this sweat mixture cannot be called unpleasant. Apocrine sweat is a person's individual sexual aroma. We almost do not feel it, but it is he who attracts representatives of the opposite sex. However, this type of sweat attracts and lives on the skin bacteria, which begin to multiply abundantly. The more bacteria, the more waste products of their vital activity: the smell of these chemical compounds is the very unpleasant smell of sweat.


Take a contrast shower twice a day, paying special attention to areas that sweat. If you experience discomfort between water procedures, you can additionally wash the problem areas as needed. If you can’t wash yourself, use wet wipes with an antibacterial effect.

Postpone synthetic T-shirts, blouses, and pants until better times. These things block air exchange and increase already abundant sweating. Replace your clothes with cotton or linen and you will see how much less you sweat.

Pharmacy products

If you follow hygiene, and your armpits do not stop sweating profusely, you can use some pharmacy drugs, but it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor first. Sometimes hyperhidrosis appears against the background of stress. The pharmacy may recommend Salicylic-zinc ointment. Even before the advent of antiperspirants, the remedy was almost the only salvation from sweating. Teymur paste has a similar effect, but it is more often recommended to be used to reduce sweating of the feet.

However, all these products do not cure, but only reduce sweating. Various aluminum chloride antiperspirants, unlike antiperspirant deodorants sold in supermarkets, are classified as medical products and are not prescribed to everyone. The level of metal salts in such products is two to seven times higher than in mass-market products, which is harmful to the body. They have other disadvantages: they can cause chemical burns when interacting with moisture, and they can only be used on dry, shaved skin, usually once a week.

Radical methods

Treatments for excessive sweating in beauty salons are not very painful and have a fairly long-lasting effect.

For example, infrared saunas are generally painless and help normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. Several sessions are required, which should be carried out from time to time, since the effect of the procedure is not permanent.

The problem of excessive sweating can also be solved today by injection methods. Botox injections block sweat glands in any part of the body for a period of six to 12 months. Usually, specialists use the drug Dysport. The procedure is completely safe and has been successfully used all over the world for more than 15 years. However, these injections are not cheap.

Surgical removal of either sweat glands (cautery, scraping of sweat glands), or the fatty layer under the skin (liposuction). Surgery in the treatment of sweating is used in no more than 30% of cases when other methods do not help. The effect can last up to five years, but it is difficult to predict the body's reaction to such an intervention, so it is a last resort.

To solve the problem of axillary hyperhidrosis, the non-surgical, hardware procedure Miradry is also used. Specialists in clinics promise a lifelong effect in one or two procedures. The method is based on the fact that microwave energy is directed to certain areas in the place of sweating. Apocrine, eccrine glands and hair follicles heat up, after which they gradually degrade.

Skin color, hair and seasonality do not affect the result. The long-term effect is ensured due to the fact that sweat glands cannot regenerate. There are about two to four million such glands on human skin, and only 2% are in the armpits. It turns out that the procedure affects only these 2%, which does not interfere with the normal regulation of sweating in other parts of the body. It is performed under local anesthesia.

A significant disadvantage is the high cost – one procedure will cost you around 30,000 hryvnias. It is difficult to predict the long-term consequences, since the intervention is relatively recent and, in essence, it is the same removal of sweat glands, but not surgical.

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Author: alex

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