Dementia: the first signs that are often mistaken for old age
The changes that occur in a person with dementia can be gradual, and often seem to others to be just signs of aging.
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) warns that signs of dementia, especially in its early stages, may not be cause for concern.
“Changes in a person’s personality in the early stages of the disease can be so gradual that they are often mistaken for normal signs of old age,” its experts state.
For example, Experts say that forgetfulness may seem like a sign of aging, but if a person cannot remember names or remember what they did yesterday, it may well be a warning of the onset of dementia.
“Family members and friends should pay attention to cases when someone is struggling to remember what they did yesterday, forgets the names of loved ones or the names of everyday objects,” doctors advise.
Also among the first signs of dementia, which are often mistaken for a manifestation of old age, doctors call difficulties in following the topic of conversation or understanding television programs, repeated repetition of what has already been said, or constant questioning. In addition, a person with dementia feels angry, anxious or depressed, and feels confused even in familiar surroundings.
The National Health Service (NHS), in turn, reports that symptoms of dementia can include speech problems (a person uses words incorrectly) or difficulty performing everyday tasks.
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