Dentist explains why teeth turn yellow
Dentist Luiza Avtandylyan told why teeth turn yellow.
According to the dentist, the color of tooth enamel is affected by several factors. One of the most common is smoking. Under the influence of hot tobacco smoke, microcracks appear on enamel, which intensify the already strong effect of nicotine and tar contained in tobacco resin.
The color of teeth is also affected by regular consumption of tea and coffee: in lovers these drinks teeth later darken and lose their shine. Such factors include the use of red wine, red berries and other “staining” vegetables and fruits.
Tannins and chromogens, which are contained in “staining” products in huge quantities, affect the color of teeth. These substances eat into the enamel, causing pigmentation. You can avoid this if you drink juices through a tube and then rinse your mouth with water.
Also, according to the doctor, the reason for the yellowness of the teeth can be the thinning of the enamel. In this case, the dentin becomes visible – the hard tissue of the tooth, which naturally has a yellowish tint.
The causes of yellowness of the teeth include the use of pastes with high abrasive properties or aggressive mechanical action, in particular, careless manipulation of the toothbrush.< /p>
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