Dentists explained why brushing your teeth once a day is not enough
Dentists called brushing your teeth once a day insufficient. Dentists explained why you need to do it twice a day – in the morning and in the evening, and also urged people to follow this recommendation.
According to dentists, plaque forms on your teeth throughout the day. If it is not removed for 12 to 24 hours or more, bacteria that are dangerous to health will appear in the oral cavity.
Moreover, tartar is formed in this situation and the likelihood of developing caries will increase. Calcifications can only be removed with the help of a not very pleasant expensive procedure. It will have to be performed exclusively in a dental clinic.
The pathogens contained in tartar are more dangerous than those that live in plaque. They can cause inflammatory processes in the gums, destroy hard tissues, develop periodontal disease and even form a duodenal ulcer. Regular brushing of teeth twice a day will eliminate the listed troubles and make your breath fresh.
In addition, regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning and examination will help identify and prevent problems before they become serious. Maintaining good dental hygiene is a key factor in maintaining oral health.
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