Dentists explained why it is so important to have straight teeth
Dentists told why it is important for every person to have straight teeth. And the point is not at all in the so-called Hollywood smile, which shines with beauty, but in the health of the whole organism.
Dentists assure that the movement towards a beautiful smile should begin with baby teeth. An even row of teeth and a correct bite from early childhood are the key to healthy digestion and the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems. That is why it is so important to start taking care of oral health from early childhood.
Meanwhile, many parents do not treat baby teeth as something important. Doctors call the strategy in which adults wait for permanent teeth to grow and only then begin their treatment erroneous. Work should begin on baby teeth, since they provide the same field necessary for the permanent row.
It is necessary to bring a child for a check-up to the dentist at the age of 4, when parents cannot notice problems, and specialists will immediately find them and offer the necessary treatment. From this age, special orthodontic plates can also be worn. Doctors note that problems with teeth that are not resolved in time are not as harmless as they seem. Scientists have already managed to establish a connection between crooked teeth and pain in the cervical spine.
If the load is on the temporomandibular joint, then in the future a person may experience severe headaches. In turn, with insufficient chewing function, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are observed. At the same time, aesthetics should not be discounted. Plastic bones in childhood allow you to solve such difficulties much more effectively.
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