Diabetes: the first signs that are rarely paid attention to

Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by a violation of metabolic processes due to a deficiency of insulin synthesis and an increase in blood sugar. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself at first. Experts talked about the first signs of diabetes, which usually few people pay attention to.

Loss of visual acuity

The first symptom to pay attention to is the loss visual acuity If this happens regularly, you should consult a doctor, as later the situation can only worsen.

Change in skin color

Another symptom is darkening of the skin and skin folds This usually happens because insulin resistance is produced in the skin of a person with high sugar levels.

Dry mouth

A sign of diabetes can be and periodically appear dry mouth. In addition, persistent dry mouth can accelerate the development of diabetes due to increased blood glucose levels. glycemia is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood remains at a high level for a long time. Because of this, glucose does not enter the cells of the body, and they do not receive the necessary energy, sending a signal of hunger to the brain.

Other early signs of diabetes, experts also include:

  • itching on hands and feet;
  • nausea;
  • numbness in feet and legs;
  • long healing of wounds;
  • constant fatigue;
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  • sweet smell from the mouth;
  • sudden and sharp weight loss.

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Author: alex

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