Diet against pressure: which foods are dangerous for hypertension

Lifestyle changes can become affordable and the easiest way to lower blood pressure. One of the first measures recommended by doctors is to change your diet. Healthy food significantly reduces the risks. In addition, there are a number of foods that should be avoided in case of already existing hypertension or the threat of its development.

Salty snacks

Salty food is rich in sodium, which directly affects on blood pressure. You don't need to completely eliminate salt from your diet, but you shouldn't eat more than 2,300 mg per day (that's about a teaspoon). The easiest way to reduce the amount of sodium that enters the body with food is to refuse the usual salty snacks such as peanuts and crackers.

Fatty food

It is often provokes obesity – the most common cause of high blood pressure. Foods with a high fat content, such as sausages and whole milk products (milk, sour milk cheese, cheeses, etc.) should be avoided. It is better to give preference to their counterparts with reduced fat content.

Canned soups

They also often contain a huge amount of salt. Some have even more than nine bags of chips.

Fast food

Like food fried in a lot of butter, it contains a lot of salt and fat. This is a double threat to blood pressure.

Premade sauces – salad dressings

They are very high in salt, as well as harmful saturated fats. It is better to prepare such sauces yourself.

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Author: alex

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