Diseases of the main “longevity organ”: the main symptoms that are often missed

The intestine plays a huge role in general health and affects the work of many body systems. It contains trillions of different bacteria that make up the microbiome. It, in turn, protects the body from dangerous infections, helps digestion and even regulates the level of hormones. Many doctors call it the main “longevity organ”.

Problems with the intestines are often the cause of various ailments and diseases, but many people do not take this into account, starting to look for their root elsewhere. There are several main signs that the intestines need immediate help.

Constant discomfort

The disease of the gastrointestinal tract is primarily indicated by constant discomfort in it. “This includes abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea,” said gastroenterologist Brooke Glaser.

Common gastrointestinal irritants include high levels of fat, fried foods, caffeine, alcohol, soda, chewing gum, dairy products, gluten, and artificial sweeteners.

Abdominal bloating< /h2>

If bloating occurs all the time after eating, the doctor advises to find a “common denominator” and identify foods that can provoke this condition. Then they should be excluded from the diet for a couple of weeks and observe the effect. The most common causes of gas are gluten, dairy products and soy.

Fatigue and headache

Increased unexplained fatigue and constant headaches, which are also accompanied by diarrhea, can be a sign of “leaky gut.” This is a disease of the mucous membrane, which no longer serves as a barrier to the penetration of toxins and partially digested food into the surrounding tissues. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to exclude from drinking alcohol, processed foods, foods with low fiber content and high fat and sugar content.

Frequent illnesses or infections

Intestinal microbiome plays an important role in strengthening immunity. A weak immune response can be a sign of an unhealthy gut. “The study showed that those who had lower levels of gut bacteria (caused by taking antibiotics) showed a lower immune response to the flu vaccine compared to the group who had normal gut bacteria,” the doctors said.

You can get rid of the disease with the help of a balanced diet or taking probiotics. In addition, fermented products showed good effectiveness in strengthening the microbiome.

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Author: alex

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