Diseases that indicate weakness in the legs

The condition of our feet is an open book for an experienced diagnosis. Weakness in the legs of such a specialist can tell a lot about the condition of your health and hidden dangerous diseases. , atherosclerosis and osteochondrosis, flat feet and joint disease, diabetes and other endocrine disorders, pinching nerves, decrease in pressure or lack of potassium in the body.

add to this list and concomitant symptoms. For example, if there is a fever, it may be poisoning or impaired thermoregulation, infection, allergies or physical overload. If tremor is added to weakness, it is signs of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or hypoglycemia (glucose deficiency). Get out on the air or drink sweet tea and everything will pass. The reasons here are much more serious. It can be a spinal cord tumor, signs of stroke or approaching heart attack. In this case, you cannot delay. Consult your doctor immediately!

As well as weakness in your legs can be accompanied by nausea, numbness or headache, occur when walking or at rest, come sharply or manifest in chronic form. All this can have reasons for both health and health -hazardous and medical intervention. But in any case, it is a symptom that requires check. Apparently, consulting a doctor will be a good idea. Better about your health to know exactly than to make assumptions.

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Author: alex

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