Diseases that put in the hopelessness of doctors
It is in vain to think that only cancer puts doctors in a dead end. There are several more diseases that doctors are powerless. The result of many people died.
People began hallucinations, then they stopped moving and saying something, then complete numbness and real estate came. People fell asleep, but they were not possible to awaken (hence the name of the disease “lethargic encephalitis”). They seem to fall into a coma. Thereafter, many were died. They all told that while remaining stationary, they were in full consciousness! That is, they actually did not sleep and were not in a coma, they simply proved to be wrapped in their own body!
This disease was first described in the mid -twenties of the last century. Subsequently, scientists from different countries tried to establish a pathogen, but unsuccessfully. The serious condition was taken to the hospital. Symptoms did not fit under any of the diseases known at the time.
In patients who came in a feverish state, diarrhea, vomiting were observed. Doctors diagnosed internal bleeding, shock and collapse of the circulatory system. Soon seven people died. An unknown disease was called the Marburg virus. Doctors suggested that the infection could occur in the process of working with African green monkeys, which were brought from Uganda the day before. These animals tested a polio vaccine.
Subsequently, the Marburg virus was the first detected virus of the Ebola family. Its pathogens are zoonotic infections, that is, transmitted to humans from animals. Doctors did not find out which animals are the initial drives of this infection. But they are passed from monkeys and bats. It is also unknown how the infection occurs: when eating the meat of sick animals or when a person collides with their biological liquids. masses, blood, feces, other secretions. The airborne path of transmission is unlikely.or muscle tightness syndrome. Only 200 cases of this disease have been found in the world. Such a rare pathology does not allow doctors to study it fully.
The disease begins with increased muscle tone. This is when, in a state of relaxation and rest, minimal muscle tension is maintained. At the same time, the patient experiences painful cramps. Gradually, these manifestations grow, covering the whole body. Spasms can be so strong that the ligaments and tendons are damaged. Man becomes immobilized.
The causes of the syndrome of a tired person have not been established. There are several theories on this issue, but none of them can claim absolute authenticity. The name of this disease comes from the Greek word ?????????? – “purple”, “purple”. It has another name “Gunter's disease” – in honor of Hans Gunter, for the first time described it in 1911. In fact, Gunter-one's disease with varieties of Porphyria disease.
Sunlight intolerance – so you can briefly describe all varieties of this disease. When sunlight gets on the human skin, the latter begins to darken sharply, thinner, and then bursts. After some time, inflammation, ulcers that damage cartilage and deform the nose and ears are formed on the skin. Even the eyelids are covered with ulcers, and the fingers become conquered. Sunlight brings unbearable suffering to such people. In folk horror stories, these diseases were attributed to vampires.
depending on the organ in which this disease originally occurred, it is divided into hepatic and erythropoetic (stationed in the bone marrow). The second is the Gunter's disease. According to scientists, metabolic errors occur in the synthesis of hemoglobin in these organs. Instead of synthesizing, the non -protein part of hemoglobin accumulates in the form of intermediate products of synthesis – porphyrynogen. In light, they turn into porphyrins. By interacting with oxygen, porphyrins form active radicals that damage skin cells.
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