Dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces due to health in July – what military personnel need to know

A full-scale war is ongoing in Ukraine, which was started by the aggressor country Russia. Thousands of Ukrainian servicemen are defending the country from the occupiers, sparing no effort and risking their lives.

Who exactly among the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has the right to be discharged from military service due to their health in July 2024 and how? it can be done, writes the “Bachynskyi and Partners” bar association.

Who can be dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces due to the state of health

Yes, it is worth noting that dismissal from service due to the state of health is provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

The state of health of a serviceman may be grounds for dismissal from military service under two conditions, which are determined by the military medical commission after examining the serviceman. The conclusion of the VLK is a reason for dismissal if it is established:

  • unsuitability for military service with exclusion from military registration;
  • unsuitability for military service with a review after 6-12 months.

The VLK is governed by the Schedule of Diseases contained in the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 402. Exemption is possible if the disease falls under item a) in the Schedule of Diseases.

In the case of detection of serious diseases in military personnel, the VLK may prescribe treatment with an examination after a set time. A serviceman who has a serious illness and is sent for treatment with a follow-up examination has the right to be discharged due to his health. After the additional examination, the VLK will be able to make a decision on return to service or discharge with exclusion from registration.

How to discharge from military service due to health – procedure

Discharge procedure< /b> follows:

  1. Submit a medical discharge report to the immediate commander. The application must indicate existing health problems, as well as a request to issue a referral to undergo a medical examination to establish unfitness for military service. If possible, documents confirming the presence of health problems should be attached to the report (discharge from the hospital, medical record, etc.). a conclusion on unfitness due to the state of health. If you are unable to perform your official duties due to your health condition during the period of registration of dismissal due to your health condition, the VLK may issue a resolution on your release from official duties for a period of up to 30 calendar days.
  2. VLC sends a conclusion based on the results of the medical examination to the military unit.
  3. The personnel service of the military unit draws up the necessary documents and sends them to the official authorized to make a decision on dismissal due to health (the brigade or regiment commander ).
  4. The dismissal order is accepted, it is announced by the commander of the military unit.
  5. The person resigns, he is removed from the personnel list of the military unit.
  6. U It is necessary to arrive at the TCC and SP at the chosen place of residence within a 5-day period for military registration

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Author: alex

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