Disturbed sleep increases the risk of several types of cancer
Having sleep problems can have a huge impact on our daily lives. Without enough sleep at night, we can experience difficulties at work and in our home life, risking becoming more vulnerable to certain diseases. However, there may be more serious long-term consequences.
Any sleep disturbance is a risk factor for the development of cancer. Specifically, it lists circadian rhythm disruption as a potential carcinogen.
Circadian rhythm disruption is defined as any change in sleep patterns, whether it's loss of sleep or difficulty falling asleep or waking up during the sleep cycle. The presence of light tells our body that it is time to be alert, alert and hungry. The body sets its clock to a 24-hour cycle (based on how much light it perceives), and every organ system follows suit. Our circadian rhythm controls when we wake up, our appetite, body temperature, and our mood.
People who experience jet lag, travel across time zones, work shifts, have sleep disorders, or are exposed to light at night , may be at increased risk of several cancers.
“These cancers were prostate, breast, colon, liver, pancreas, ovary and lung. Violation of circadian rhythms is an independent risk factor for the development of cancer and is classified as a carcinogen,” the doctor added.
“Disruptions” of the circadian clock strongly affect neoplastic transformation and tumor growth due to changes in many ways of cancer regulation, including the cell cycle. , apoptosis and metabolism.
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