Divorce is not far away: 4 character traits that imperceptibly destroy relationships
Temperament, cruelty or intransigence can destroy the strongest relationships, and it will happen before your eyes after a series of scandals. But what if the problem is buried much deeper and leads not to a conflict, but to a gradual alienation that can mature for many years? Five character traits often lead to such a result, said psychiatrist Anthony Smith.
Dependent behavior
At first, this may be a pleasant tendency to compromise, but over time it may turn out that the partner is simply unable to make decisions on his own and is always waiting for support, hints or approval. Most often, such relationships plunge into a crisis, because they move into the “child-adult” model, and not everyone can and will not be able to withstand an independent and controlled companion.
Passive aggression
Such people tend to bring unpredictability into relationships, because those around them do not know how they will react. Will they repent to you after a disagreement only to spread a malicious rumor about you later to “win the argument” in their mind, or will they deal with the offense only after a long scandal? In any case, you will feel dissatisfaction from such a person along with an unwillingness to discuss and solve the problem, which will later be very exhausting.
People obsessed striving to do things perfectly, they tend to adhere rigidly to rules, details, schedules, and routines. In essence, they control their anxiety by controlling their environment. And this environment includes their spouses, children, relatives, whose activities also begin to be tightly controlled.
If a person tends to see the negative in everything, people around her, they feel a decrease in the emotional background, reluctance to share joys and sorrows, they close themselves off. Eternal dissatisfaction as a character trait finds its way out through sarcastic manners of communication. Sarcasm will be the basis not only of humor, but will become a caustic way of your interaction, which gives a negative color to everything that will be said during the conversation.
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