Divorce is not far away: 5 signs that portend a breakup

When one of the spouses announces the desire to divorce, it means that he has been considering this step in his thoughts for a long time, weighed everything for a long time, compared, matured… and only now decided.

It turns out that something led him to this. He stewed in his images for years, waiting for the right opportunity. And you missed everything by allowing an emotional divorce to happen. How to prevent this mistake, prevent the accumulated negativity from destroying the family? We suggest paying attention to the signs of an impending divorce, which are an eloquent signal that the partner is on the verge. Don't miss them if you want to celebrate your golden wedding with your loved one.

5 signs of an impending divorce that you should not close your eyes to

You stopped spending time together

Previously, you often went to the movies, collected money for a joint vacation, or even just chatted over a cup of tea, discussing how the day went. There were mutual friends, trips out of town, watching favorite series. You laughed, had fun. Where did it all go? Children, workload, repairs are no excuses. If you wish, you can always find time for each other, be aware of all the news and experiences of your loved one. But if this is not the case, if the partner runs away from you under any pretext, or even does not know what you live for, this is a reason to sound the alarm. Think how long has it been since you laughed in each other's presence? How long have you been on vacation without extraneous ears? Time to resurrect forgotten traditions.

You are no longer forgiven for petty sins

When a person loves, he closes his eyes to many things, or does not notice shortcomings, or reconciles with them. It's a bad sign if your partner has stopped giving you “indulgences” and has turned into an angry tyrant who won't give up on anything. Gained a couple of kilos, forgot to buy bread, didn't call your mother, oversalted the soup? If all these little things result in a stormy scandal, where you are lynched as the last thief; if the reasons for conflicts become more and more sophisticated, and your mere presence awakens the beloved beast – it's time to sit down at the negotiating table and honestly discuss everything: is there a chance to save the relationship, and what are you both ready to do for it?

You don't even cause negative emotions

Relationships can be resuscitated as long as the person reacts and responds to you, even if his reaction is negative: anger, anger, irritation, tears. So, something is still alive inside, let it hurt, oppress, suffocate, but you can work with it. It is another matter when the partner becomes indifferent — does not support the conversation, listens without interest, answers in monosyllabic short sentences. This distance must be shortened urgently, bring your partner to a conversation, provoke emotions, otherwise you will soon lose him completely. He has already mentally divorced you.

You are not trusted with any business

If your loved one has stopped asking you for help and prefers to do everything alone, this is a dangerous path. Most likely, you were disappointed. Perhaps you have defaulted on some commitments, deliberately sabotaged important promises, or become a consumer who takes but gives nothing in return? In any case, the trend is not good. No one wants to be a regular donor. Our resources are limited. We are all looking for someone we can rely on. Either stop making promises, or fulfill the commitments you made. After all, a family is teamwork, not a trip at someone else's expense or on the principle of “everyone for himself”.

You are not looked for emotional support


Once upon a time, your partner shared with you his innermost feelings, dreams, aspirations? Did you discuss various issues for a long time, were you the first to be called if something went wrong to talk things out, to hear reassurances that everything will be fine, you will handle everything? Now there is nothing like a concrete wall between you – a dry exchange of information, demands, notations, no sincerity. They do not expect constructive criticism from you, they do not initiate you into their affairs, they do not look for consolation in your arms. Someone else fills this role: friends, parents, lovers, work colleagues. This is the breakdown of the family – when it is easier for the partner to discuss his experiences with anyone, except the closest person.

Do not relate to this point, if you do not want to deal with the consequences. Remember, big problems start with small misunderstandings and claims that you both turned a blind eye to, swallowed, agreed to. Hold on to each other. Talk, look for compromises. Don't let pride destroy your love. This is the most precious feeling worth living for!

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Author: alex

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