Do not put it in the hole when planting potatoes: it will grow small – a common mistake of summer residents

When planting potatoes, many summer residents put certain nutrients in the hole.

This is a great strategy: it increases the chances of a good harvest.


However, not all fertilizers are effective in this regard.

There are tools that under no circumstances should it be placed in the hole: instead of large vegetables, the gardener will receive small tubers.

What a frequent and unforgivable mistake many summer residents make.

An approach such as adding in hole when planting wood ash potatoes.

In no case do not repeat this mistake! After all, unburnt wood residues contain a lot of calcium, due to which the garden culture “absorbs” less of the potassium it needs.

The result is a decrease in the starch content of the potatoes being grown. In addition, potatoes grow very poorly: the potatoes are small.

The situation is noticeably worse if the soil is alkaline. After all, the remains of unburnt wood should only be added to acidic soil.

Adding fresh manure to the hole will be another gross mistake. Application of this fertilizer will lead to rapid growth of green mass, but not potatoes.

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Author: alex

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