Do not throw rotten apples, use them to benefit for soil
Some of the apples will definitely fall from the tree and rot. Gardeners dispose of rot, not suspecting that they can be used in their area for harvesting valuable fertilizer. You can prepare fertilization in different ways. Leaving the fruits that have fallen on the ground is not worth it, they will acidify the soil and become diseases, giving fruit trees at the risk of infection. After such fertilization, soil fertility will increase significantly. Apple fertilizer is suitable for fruit trees and shrubs, berries, vegetables.To prepare fertilizer from the fall, you need to choose fruits that have not affected rot or other diseases. On the beds that have already been released in the fall, make a trench where crushed apples are laid. The organic matter is sprinkled with ash. Then a little pus is added to the furrow. On top, this “layer pie” is sprinkled with earth. In the spring, only pecoat the soil and plant. It is no longer necessary to fertilize the soil. You can use rot and diseased apples. During the ripening of the compost mass, all pathogens will be neutralized by severe heating. Additional compost components will be grass, ash and soil.
prepared fertilizer in a closed pit. A layer of grass is placed on the bottom. Then there are apples, sprinkled with ash. The last layer consists of soil, apples and grass are taken in equal quantities. Ash consumption is a 2-liter jar per cubic meter of organic matter. Periodically compost is slightly loosened and drain. In mid -spring fertilizer will be ready for use.
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