Do not use this fertilizer: it will ruin your geranium.
Geraniums can bloom all year round. Of course, provided that they are satisfied with the place of cultivation, lighting, pot size, and top dressing. They do not show any special whims, but there are moments that they may not like. Let's talk about what top dressing can ruin your beautiful and blooming geranium.
About top dressing
Many people have heard about the use of yeast for plants. Most plants really respond well to their application. However, there is a certain danger. Yeast can cause fungus to appear in the soil. In this case, the geranium will begin to rot.
Instead of yeast, it is better to use ash. It is safer, has a rich and nutritious composition. For geraniums, it will be safer than yeast infusion. It is especially good to use ash for geraniums in the autumn period.
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