Do this to your thujas now to keep them bright green throughout the winter.
Decorative thujas grow in many gardens. They look beautiful in single cultivation and in compositions with other plants. In order for them to remain as beautiful and attractive, you need to do a number of procedures now to increase protection.
What to do with thujas
First of all, you need to take care of the root system. If the winter is predicted to be very cold and with sub-zero temperatures, this is an extremely important stage of care.
Remove leaves, grass, and twigs from around the thuja. Pour peat into the near-trunk circle. It will not only help protect against the cold, but will also give the plant a powerful boost of nutrition in the spring.
Put bark mulch on top of the peat. This will preserve more moisture and prevent the ground from freezing too much. There is also a recommendation for young thuja. They need to be supported during the cold season. Pour them additionally with a solution with mycorrhizal fungi. This way they will adapt better and be able to survive the winter.
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