Do you have an office job? The doctor named surprising risk factors for high cholesterol
Not getting enough exercise can play a role in raising cholesterol. It emphasizes that physical activity, such as aerobic exercise, improves cholesterol levels, and says that if you work at a desk or sit a lot in your free time, your body won't make enough good cholesterol. If you're between the ages of 40 and 74, you may want to get your cholesterol checked.
When you sit, you use less energy than when you stand or move around.
Studies link sitting for a long time with a number of health problems. They include obesity and a group of conditions — high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome.
The organization says that any prolonged sitting , such as at a desk, behind the wheel, or in front of a screen, can be harmful.
Sitting less and being more active is a great way to lower your cholesterol.
“That doesn't mean you have to going to the gym or going for a run just means you need to move more throughout the day. Ideally, you should do sports for 30 minutes a day.”
Doctors recommend trying the following:
- Use the stairs, not the elevator
- Parking 10 minutes from work or getting off the bus at a bus stop earlier
- Walking the dog twice in the park instead of once
- Walking in the fresh air during a break at work
- Swimming or a walk on the beach with the family
- Half an hour gardening or gathering
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