Doctor called 5 ways to get rid of edema

The swelling is extremely unpleasant-swelling of the face, heaviness in the legs, swollen finger. It is especially unfortunate if a person monitors his weight, and the weight arrow continues to crawl up. US doctor Michael Greger told about simple ways that will get rid of face and body swelling.It is not necessary to give it up completely. The main thing is to give up processed meat, semi -finished products, salted fish and vegetables, restaurant food – they usually have much more salt than in the usual products we cook at home. The norm is 5 grams per day. Salt is the main magnet for water in our body, and if you exceed the norm, they are inevitable with the tendency to edema.After entering the body, carbohydrates are deposited in tissues in the form of glycogen. 1 gram of glycogen retains 2.7 grams of water. There is even such a term “hydrocarbon edema”. The main enemy is confectionery sold in stores. Not only flour and sugar, but also a lot of salt. If you are a sweet tooth, try to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and dinner to make protein-vegetable. The rate of 1.5-2 liters. If there is enough water in the body, it does not retain it. On the other hand, excess water also leads to swelling. And excess in combination with the consumption of salty or sweet foods – to very strong swelling. Therefore, not only what you eat, but also how much you drink.

magnesium and potassium

magnesium can be taken immediately after menstruation begins, when light swelling is characterized. Potassium does not allow to “settle” salt in the tissues, but it is also important to know the measure. Potassium rate is 4.7 grams.

physical activity

Any physical activity-jogging, walking, home or at the gym, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, and therefore allows the body to excrete fluid.

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Author: alex

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