Doctor explains how to drink coffee without risking stroke
According to the doctor, people with cardiovascular diseases should use this drink with caution.
Scientists from Hungary and London conducted a study and found that moderate coffee consumption can be beneficial for the cardiovascular system. According to experts, those who drink three cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease or stroke. At the same time, the health benefits come only from drinking ground coffee, not instant varieties. Does regular consumption of ground coffee have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system? And can people with cardiovascular disease drink coffee? Cardiologist Yulia Marshyntseva told about this.
How coffee affects blood vessels
According to the cardiologist, caffeine, which is contained in ground coffee, stimulates blood vessels. Therefore, its use is a vascular training.
“When we go to the gym, we want our skeletal muscles to be in good shape. We train them, do physical activity, and the muscles contract and relax. This all leads to increased tone. The same thing happens with blood vessels. It doesn’t matter that they are smooth muscles,” explained Yulia Marshintseva.
How to drink coffee correctly
At the same time, the doctor noted that people with cardiovascular diseases should drink coffee with caution.
“Of course, we should not forget that coffee increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the pressure before and after drinking coffee and decide whether it is worth drinking it,” the cardiologist emphasized.
According to Marshyntseva, one cup of coffee a day is enough for someone – it all depends on how the drink affects the body.
“But I don’t think you should drink more than three cups of coffee a day. And it’s advisable not to drink it before bed, because it invigorates, and sleep should be calm and not agitated,” the specialist concluded.
Hungarian and London scientists conducted a study for 10 years. People whose data were taken from the British biobank were under observation. They were 56 years old on average and had no heart disease at the start of the study.
The results showed that those who drank 0.5 to 3 cups of coffee a day were 12 percent less likely to die by the end of the study than those who did not drink coffee. They were 17 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease and 21 percent less likely to have a stroke compared to those who did not drink coffee.
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